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We will update this page with any changes to precautions taken. Precautions are subject to change.


The Production Designers Gathering will be held in accordance with guidance from local government. We expect each attendee to take appropriate personal safety precautions throughout the event.


All attendees are required to show documentation of being fully vaccinated before traveling to the Gathering or a negative COVID-19 PCR/Rapid test within 48 hours of participation.


We ask that public health practices be followed to further the safety and welfare of all that participate. Attendees should refrain from participation if exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. This includes fever and other flu-like symptoms, coughing or shortness of breath, and the inability to taste or smell. Symptoms may also include sore throat, runny nose, or headache. If you are symptomatic, or believe you met someone with COVID-19 after the meeting or during the meeting, please get a test and contact the event organizers if it is positive.


The following precautions may be implemented in light of COVID-19 concerns:

  1. Depending on health regulations and Covid statistics, masks may be required for all indoor events when physical distancing cannot be assured.  A decision will be made closer to the event's date in light of global Covid updates.

  2. Rapid COVID-19 tests will be available to attendees throughout the duration of the conference.

  3. Hand sanitizing/hand washing stations available throughout conference venues. 

  4. Whenever possible social functions will be organized outdoors and following social distancing guidelines. 


The Gathering cannot guarantee measures taken will fully protect attendees from contracting COVID-19. Please note that these guidelines may change as the conference date approaches, based on changes to local guidelines. Please refer to the below recourses for the most up-to-date information:


Greek Government Travel Protocol

CDC COVID-19 Greece page



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